The day to day schedule for this group is designed to assist the student in his or her transition from PreSchool activities to those of the Kindergarten program.

      Our Full Day Student's schedule
7:00 -  8:45 Socialization & Free Play
       8:45 -  9:00 Clean-up, Story
       9:00 -  9:20 Music & Movement
       9:20 - 10:30 Outdoor Play/Indoor (snack)
      10:30 - 11:00 Readiness/Circle Time
      11:00 - 11:30 Project/Art/Cooking
      11:30 - 12:00 Lunch Time
      12:00 - 12:45 Socialization & Free Play
      12:45 -  1:00 Potty Time
       1:00 -  3:30 Nap/Video Time
       3:30 -  3:45 Afternoon Snack
       3:45 -  6:00 Outdoor Play/ weather permitting
                      Indoor Play / art, manipulative play,

   Our Morning Student's schedule
      9:00 -  9:20   Music & Movement
      9:20 -            Readiness
                            Circle Time
                            Story & Snack
                 11:30   Socialization Indoor/Outdoor Freeplay

     Our Afternoon Student's schedule
      1:00 - 2:00    Socialization Indoor/Outdoor Freeplay
      2:00 - 2:15    Circle Time
      2:15 - 2:45    Readiness/Project/Art/Cooking
      2:45 - 3:00   Story & Snack
      3:00 - 3:30   Music & Movement




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